Top tips for living safely at home with a vision impairment

Modifying your home for a vision impairment
Vision impairments can affect anyone, but for those over a certain age, the chance of developing age-related vision loss becomes higher. Losing your sight at any time in your life can be challenging and daunting, which is why it’s so important that steps are taken to ensure those who are affected can continue to live a safe and comfortable life. This month, Opticall Eyecare give you all the advice you need to adapt your home for someone who is experiencing a vision impairment so they can visit safely and in comfort.
Our top 5 tips for safe home living
Small objects can be hard to see
When living with a vision impairment, small objects, such as the remote, dials on a microwave and even utensils, can be difficult to see. Consider using large, clear labels to direct your guest around your home, including for items such as the oven or kettle, so they still feel independent whilst with you.
Purchase magnifying glasses to be placed around the home so smaller items like the remote becomes easier to see and use.
Use the light to your advantage
Lighting is an important part of the home as it’s designed to help you see more easily when completing day-to-day tasks. When living with a vision impairment, lighting often needs to be stronger to aid with tasks. Consider checking the wattage of your bulbs and increasing the power of your lights to help improve visibility. LED bulbs are an energy-efficient choice that could also help you save money on your monthly electric bill.
Reduce potential tripping hazards
How many times a day do you step over something that could have caused you to trip or fall? We often don’t think about this as we take for granted that we can see the object and either move it or step over it. When living with a vision impairment, it is often difficult to see these obstacles, meaning slips, trips, and falls are more common. Be sure to go around your home removing anything that could be tripped over. Tape down rugs to avoid the corners being the source of a fall. If you have small children, be on the lookout for toys that could quickly become a hazard.
Organise your living spaces
Often, those who have lost their sight will have an incredibly organised home where everything goes in its rightful place. This is because finding items from memory can often be a huge support for someone who is unable to look for items clearly. Organising your home and having a place for everything will help your loved one better navigate your rooms and items whilst they are staying with you.
Utilise talking devices throughout your home
Smart home devices are now a consistent part of many homes throughout the UK. The benefits a smart home device can bring are often taken for granted by many, but for someone with vision loss, they can be a huge benefit. Even a simple command such as telling the time out loud or setting alarms and reminders can be a huge support.
The benefits of adapting your home for a vision impairment
For someone living with a vision impairment, the world can be an isolating and lonely place. Without our sight, we feel as though we have missed milestones such as family growing up or creating memories. Those with vision loss may not feel comfortable coming to stay with a family member as they don’t know the space or how they are going to cope in an unfamiliar home. Making small adaptations to your home can support a person with vision loss to feel more comfortable and confident, knowing they are going to stay in a safe place where they will be supported.
Being able to invite a loved one into your home, even after they have faced vision loss, can be an incredibly uplifting support to that person. Being invited to create memories, spend time with family members and, most importantly, not feel like a burden whilst they are staying with you can help to combat isolation and loneliness. Not only will it benefit them, but you will also begin to understand what it’s like for them to live with vision loss daily, leaving you feeling more sympathetic (and awed) as to how they cope daily.
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Book an eyecare appointment with Opticall Eyecare today
If you are concerned about your eyesight or the sight of a loved one, the first step to take is to visit a local optometrist who will be able to diagnose any underlying concerns or conditions that could be affecting your eyesight. For many, it’s often impossible to access a high street optician, however. That’s why Opticall Eyecare should be your choice for home-visiting opticians. Our caring and qualified teamwork with individuals and care homes every day to support those who need a regular eye test or who have concerns about eye-related conditions.
For more information about our tailored home eye test appointments or to book an appointment with one of our optometrists, get in touch with Opticall Eyecare today and start taking care of your eyesight.