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Home Eye Tests
For Care Home Residents

Delivering exceptional eyecare for over 10 years, we are already trusted by over 250 care homes across southern England.

Schedule A Discovery Call To Learn More

Care Home Visiting Opticians

Opticall has been serving the residential Care Homes of Hertfordshire, Bedfordshire, Buckinghamshire, Cambridgeshire, Essex Milton Keynes, Barnet and North West London for over 15 years.

We are proud to deliver our FREE NHS home-visiting optician service for your residents’ eye care in the comfort of your Care Home. Our free home eye examination service is completely mobile for those with age or health issues, and for those who are unable to leave home unaccompanied, as we understand the importance of regular eye tests in care homes so we can detect changes in vision and diagnose eye-related conditions. It is also a requirement for the Care Quality Commission (CQC).

We treat each customer with the greatest level of respect, professionalism and care. We appreciate that many of your residents may be vulnerable, living with mobility and health issues and that we are in a position of trust when we visit. Rest assured our opticians are CRB checked; highly trained and experienced and can support patients with a varying range of health conditions and additional needs. We are dedicated to providing the highest quality care, hygiene and safety standards*, tailored to each resident’s personal needs.

* We want to reassure you that we are following the latest (COVID-19) Pandemic Guidance and NHS guidelines to keep your residents, care home staff and our staff safe during this unprecedented time

care home eye tests

How does our service work?

  1. Simply call us on 0208 8998 4228 to arrange a visit for one of our mobile opticians to come to your residential care home at a mutually convenient date and time.
  2. During the visit, we’ll ask your care home resident a few health and lifestyle questions then carry out a comprehensive NHS sight test and eye health check.
  3. If they require glasses, they can choose from our wide range of competitively price frames and lenses (don’t forget you may be eligible for help with these costs – see our Eligibility page).
  4. We’ll speak to the resident’s next of kin to explain the outcome of the test and costs (if there are any).
  5. We aim to return to personally hand deliver and fit the glasses within a two week delivery time.

Don’t forget we offer FREE aftercare so if there are any issues with the glasses we’ll resolve them.

See what our care home partners say about us...

Visual Awareness Training for Carers

Comprehensive Aftercare for Care Home Residents

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