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home eye test


At Opticall, we provide a completely mobile, home visit optician’s service to the communities of Hertfordshire, Bedfordshire, Buckinghamshire, Cambridgeshire, Essex. Milton Keynes and North West London. Suppose you, or someone you know, cannot visit a high street optician for an eye examination due to old age or physical or mental disabilities. In that case, one of our qualified optometrists can come to you to conduct a thorough, comprehensive eye examination and eye health check. This week we will be looking at your eligibility for a home eye test with us.

How can I get a free eye test?

You may qualify for an NHS-funded sight test with an Opticall optometrist if you meet the below criteria:

  • Aged 60 and over
  • Registered blind or partially sighted
  • Diagnosed as having diabetes or glaucoma
  • Considered to be at risk of glaucoma, as advised by an/our optician
  • Aged 40 or over with an immediate family member who has been diagnosed with glaucoma
  • Receiving benefit (income support, income-based jobseeker’s allowance or pension credit guarantee credit)
  • Entitled to, or named on, a valid NHS tax credit exemption certificate
  • On a low income and named on a valid HC2 (full help) or HC3 (partial help) certificate
  • Eligible for an NHS complex lens voucher, as advised by an/our optician

You may also be interested in:

Food for good eyesight – what to eat? 

The importance of having eye tests 

Protecting your eyes from the sun 

Will I receive help towards the cost of glasses?

At Opticall, we are your local opticians who do home visits and can carry out eye tests at home for the elderly, but we also supply a wide range of frames and lenses if you need glasses. You may be entitled to NHS help with the costs if you are: 

  • Eligible for an NHS complex lens voucher – our optician can advise on eligibility
  • Receiving income support
  • Receiving income-based jobseeker’s allowance (not contribution-based)
  • Receiving pension credit guarantee credit
  • Receiving income-based employment and support allowance (not contribution-based)
  • Entitled to, or named on, a valid NHS tax credit exemption certificate
  • Named on a valid NHS certificate for HC2 (full help) or H3 (partial help) certificate.

How can you book a home eye test with us?

Domiciliary sight tests, more commonly known as mobile/home eye tests, can be booked with us simply by calling on 020 8998 4228 or booking via our website.

We will arrive at a mutually convenient date and time and conduct an eye test in the comfort of your home. 

If glasses are required, then you can choose from our wide range of styles. You can check your eligibility for help towards the cost of your eye test and/or glasses on our website here.

Within two weeks, we will personally hand-deliver and fit your new glasses and provide you with a personalised eyecare report.

Don’t forget we also offer FREE aftercare should you need it!

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