Our mission is simple...

To deliver the gift of optimum vision so you can see, live and enjoy life

Home eye tests - For you

You can rely on having a positive and lasting experience with Opticall. As well as our compassion, experience and clinical expertise, we bring our best smiles. We appreciate that seeing an optician may feel unfamiliar but we always try to put you at ease and cater to your personal needs and circumstances.

Before commencing a comprehensive eye examination, our Optician will take time to understand your lifestyle and preferences. You’ll then receive recommendations based on our findings. Should you require glasses, you can choose from a wide range on the day. You can also expect free aftercare once your glasses are delivered, as we want to make sure that you can continue to enjoy what’s important to you.

You can read some of our testimonials here.

We have a no quibbles policy and we aim to differentiate ourselves by focusing on long term relationships – not transactional ones.

Call us on 020 8998 4228. We’d love to hear from you, let us know what you’re after from your ideal home visiting optician and we will make sure we deliver.

Meet the Team

As an organisation with strong ethical core values, rest assured that you are in experienced good hands.

Free Aftercare

You may qualify for a free home eye test if you are unable to visit an optician due to physical or mental disability.